Northampton‐based jewellery maker Scruffy Dog Silver gets Twitter boost from Theo Paphitis

Steph with her ScruffyDog PopUpShop.Steph with her ScruffyDog PopUpShop.
Steph with her ScruffyDog PopUpShop.
“It is great to have support from Theo because it’s going to give me access to a whole heap of useful advice and experiences”

A Northampton based small business has received a business boost from retail entrepreneur Theo Paphitis.

Last week, Steph Davies, owner of ScruffyDogSilver, tweeted Theo about her business during ‘Small Business Sunday’ and was one of six weekly winners to gain a retweet or repost by Theo to his more than half a million Twitter and Instagram followers.

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The weekly initiative, set up by Theo in 2010, now has over 3,500 #SBS winners and supports small businesses in the UK.

Some of Steph's creations.Some of Steph's creations.
Some of Steph's creations.

Business and retail entrepreneur and self-confessed Shopkeeper, Theo re‐tweeted Steph’s message to his more than 500,000 Twitter and Instagram followers and as a result Scruffy Dog Silver has seen a giant leap in people finding her silverwork either via her website or on the socials and fabulous enquiries are already starting to arrive.

They are also profiled on the #SBS website that is exclusive to all Small Business Sunday winners.

Steph said: "I am a self taught silversmith/jewellery maker, established since 2011 where it was mostly a hobby, to eventually, incredibly, taking the leap fulltime in Spring 2019, and what a rollercoaster it has been since then !

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“Everything I make is created by hand and I often work as the mood takes me, meaning many of my designs are one of a kind.

“I have developed a love for metal stamping and have quietly built up a distinctive collection of jewellery stamps meaning I can create wonderful personalised pieces for someone special.

“I am looking to learn more business sense and ways of working smarter to help keep my momentum going and to give me maximum time and energy each day to do what I love best... and that's to be in my workshop and create something beautiful for someone. I’m not so happy being perched behind a laptop or shuffling paperwork.

“It is great to have support from Theo because it’s going to give me access to a whole heap of useful advice and experiences from fellow small business folks... It will help to raise my profile and Theo has recognised my hard work and helped spread the word about what I do to his following. I am so very chuffed.”

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Small business champion and Ryman Stationery, Robert Dyas and Boux Avenue Chairman, Theo Paphitis, added: “We are thrilled to welcome new #SBS members every week and highlight just how important it is to support our small businesses here in the UK. My vision is that everyone who has ever won an #SBS re-tweet from me becomes part of a friendly club; like-minded individuals who can share successes and learnings.

"The website will also give a valuable profile to the winners chosen and I wish Scruffy Dog Silver every success.”

Anyone looking for a re‐tweet from Theo should tweet or do an Instagram post to him about their business on Sunday between 5pm and 7.30pm and include the hashtag #SBS. Six lucky businesses are re‐tweeted every Monday at 8pm and then invited to enter their profile on the new website, attend the annual #SBS networking event and take advantage of the networking opportunities.