Residents performed emergency surgery on Josh Bains in Northampton street after he was shot

The prosecution opened the case yesterday (Thursday) at Birmingham Crown Court.The prosecution opened the case yesterday (Thursday) at Birmingham Crown Court.
The prosecution opened the case yesterday (Thursday) at Birmingham Crown Court.
Residents in Upton rushed to Josh Bains aid to try and save him from dying in the street where he was shot and killed, a jury heard.

Birmingham Crown Court heard yesterday how Josh died within minutes of being shot in the chest with a handgun in Webb Drive, Upton on Thursday, October 4 at about 9pm.

An off-duty surgeon who happened to live nearby attended as did an A&E Consultant went to the scene to volunteer.

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They performed emergency surgery at the scene but nothing could be done to save Josh's life.

The 27-year-old was with three of his friends when he was killed - two of whom called emergency services but later ran away from the scene to escape from police while the third friend stayed by his side.

It is alleged that Josh had probably met up with his alleged killers - Kayongo Shuleko, 26, of Edmonton, London and Jerome Smikle, 27, of St Leonard's Road, Far Cotton, Northampton, who both deny murder - in their Ford Focus car to discuss a £40 drug debt owed to Josh by Smikle.

But the meeting ended with Josh getting out of the car and, about 30 seconds later, being shot in the chest.

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Afterwards, Shuleko and Smikle ran back to their car, the Ford Focus, and sped away, prosecutor William Harbage QC told the jury yesterday at Birmingham Crown Court.

The third defendant on trial is Lewis Carmody, 21, from Walmer Close, Northampton, who is charged with assisting an offender, which he denies.

Carmody's help was allegedly immediately enlisted after Josh Bains was shot dead.

He is accused of picking Shuleko and Smikle up in his Vauxhall Astra, near Norton in Daventry, after the pair allegedly set fire to the Ford Focus.

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Later, on the same night of Josh's killing, Carmody drove Shuleko and Smikle to a rural location so they could deposit their handguns before driving them away from Northampton and down to Enfield in North London.

Carmody was arrested on October, 5, 2018 and Shuleko and Smikle were arrested together on October 19, 2018.

The trial continues.