Letter: Blue badge holders be aware of new Northampton parking rules

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My 84-year-old mother, a blue badge holder and who has been parking in the disabled bays in the St Peter's Way car park for 20 years with no problems, has over the past 10 days received 10 parking tickets.

She was not aware of parking fees for disabled drivers.

The new company that has taken over responsibility for the parking in this car park does not allow free parking for disabled drivers, but in the meantime my mother has collected 10 tickets so far.

I have appealed all the tickets as the notice to change the parking was not shown in the disabled area. I find this whole situation disgraceful and this firm are targeting the vulnerable in society who abide by the law and are now being chased for monies that most of them do not have.

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On another note, the businesses in Northampton town centre will suffer even more if the disabled in town decide to stop using car parks and do their business in Milton Keynes or other retail parks.

Caroline Michalunio (by email)