Inspirational Northampton Saints wheelchair rugby player in line for top award

Kascie HigginsKascie Higgins
Kascie Higgins
An inspirational teenager with Northampton Saints has been nominated for a national award.

Kascie Higgins was diagnosed with dyskinetic cerebral palsy at the age of one and because of this traditionally struggled to be active and take part in sport.

But after taking up wheelchair rugby at Northampton Saints Kascie then joined Project Rugby and is now a dedicated and regular member of the Northampton Heathens Mixed Ability Rugby team.

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Kascie is a tireless ambassador for disability sport and advocates that young people with disabilities take up any sport so they can benefit from the positive physical and mental benefits which rugby has helped him gain.

One of four finalists, Kascie has been nominated for Premiership Rugby’s PLAY Achiever of the Year award supported by Gallagher.

Judge Victoria Partridge believes that any of the quartet would be a deserving winner.

“This was an incredibly difficult award to judge,” she said. “Every single person shortlisted has had to overcome personal issues and their effort to conquer these barriers is inspiring.

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“In each case, rugby made a difference to their success and helped them to face their future with confidence. They all absolutely deserve to be recognised.”

With the Premiership Rugby Parliamentary Community Awards taking place at the House of Commons on Wednesday July 17, a specially-selected panel faced the daunting task of whittling down the nominations to a final four for the prestigious gong – which rewards a participant who has excelled in any programme that introduces rugby to new audiences.

Every year hundreds of people up and down the country give their time to help run Premiership Rugby initiatives such as – but not limited to – HITZ, Project Rugby, Tackling Health and Move Like A Pro.

The PLAY Achiever of the Year Award recognises those who have overcome physical, cultural or social barriers to become involved in the game whilst embodying the spirit of the PLAY campaign.