New signs put outside Northamptonshire airbase after Harry Dunn killing

South Northamptonshire Council Leader, Cllr Ian McCord, with one of the temporary road signs at RAF Croughton.South Northamptonshire Council Leader, Cllr Ian McCord, with one of the temporary road signs at RAF Croughton.
South Northamptonshire Council Leader, Cllr Ian McCord, with one of the temporary road signs at RAF Croughton.
Road signage and markings are being installed outside RAF Croughton in South Northamptonshire to remind motorists to drive on the left hand side of the road.

The base is currently a United States Air Force communications station where teenager Harry Dunn, of Charlton, collided nearby with an oncoming car on the B4031 Park End in August.

A scandal erupted this week after it was revealed the suspect in the case Anne Sacoolas - the wife of an American diplomat who was staying at RAF Croughton at the time - left the UK and flew back to the US after claiming diplomatic immunity.

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Today, Northamptonshire County Council placed new signs near the spot where Harry was killed.

Harry Dunn was 19 when he was killed.Harry Dunn was 19 when he was killed.
Harry Dunn was 19 when he was killed.

Councillor Jason Smithers, Northamptonshire County Council cabinet member for highways and place said: “Road safety is a priority for the county council and where necessary we make interventions to ensure that motorists are as safe as possible.

“This sort of signage is very common around ports so it makes sense that we install it here to help prevent accidents.”

Councillor Ian McCord, leader of South Northamptonshire District Council added: “In these tragic circumstances, where all of our thoughts are with Harry’s family and friends, it’s important that we also focus on practical changes.

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"I would like to thank the county council for responding speedily to my suggestion of this extra signage.”

Temporary signage is being installed today (Friday) with more permanent signs being put in place next week.