Runners raise over £7000 in legacy of Northampton student Zac Forskitt who lost fight to leukaemia

#BacZac runners#BacZac runners
#BacZac runners
Over 70 family and friends have managed to raise thousands of pounds by completing the Silverstone Half Marathon in memory of 20-year-old, Zac Forskitt, who inspired a fund-raising campaign.

The marathon took place on Sunday (March, 12) and 74 runners have so far fundraised £7000... and donations are still increasing.

Talking about the marathon, Zac's dad, Jason Forskitt of Abington Vale said: "It's brilliant that so many ran for Zac, sixty people came down from Nottingham Trent University to run."

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Zac was diagnosed with two forms of cancer - a tumour on his chest and a rare form of leukaemia - before he passed away in March 2016.

Zac's parentsZac's parents
Zac's parents

He was a student at Nottingham Trent University where he studied journalism for a year before he was taken ill.

Now the family are raising thousands of pounds to help other people who have suffered from the disease.

Jason added: "Our ultimate aim is to raise enough funds for a holiday home on the south coast for young adults with cancer who have finished treatment but can't get insurance to travel abroad or it might be the last time they see the sea.

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"We also send gift cards to patients that are in a Teenage Cancer Unit long term just to give them a boost."

Runners at the Silverstone Half Marathon raising money for the #BacZac campaignRunners at the Silverstone Half Marathon raising money for the #BacZac campaign
Runners at the Silverstone Half Marathon raising money for the #BacZac campaign

After spending time in the hospital with Zac, the kind-hearted family also donate food vouchers to cancer outpatients who might be having between four or six hours of chemotherapy as well as funding transport to get them to and from hospital.

To pledge to the #BacZac campaign, visit: