Songs of Praise film at Northampton church for Princess Diana memorial episode

Around 800 people lent their voices to help film the episode.Around 800 people lent their voices to help film the episode.
Around 800 people lent their voices to help film the episode.
A Northampton town centre church was full to the rafters with choristers this weekend to film a commemorative episode of Songs of Praise.

A BBC camera crew set up stage at All Saints Church, in George Row, on Sunday (August 6) to record 10 hymns belted out by Northamptonshire's singers.

The episode, which will be broadcast on August 27, will mark the 20th anniversary of the death of Diana, Princess of Wales.

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Oliver Coss, rector of All Saints Church, said: "It was a fantastic evening and everyone sounded great. I can't wait to see how it looks when the episode comes out.

BBC crews set up eight cameras in the church.BBC crews set up eight cameras in the church.
BBC crews set up eight cameras in the church.

"I think everybody will remember where they were when they heard Diana had died. For people in the county who were very close to the Spencer family and Althorp, they almost shared in their grief."

Around 800 singers from across Northamptonshire were called on to lend their voices to the episode. Recording took place between 6.30pm and 9.30pm and seats were only available by booking.