Uber strikes ‘groundbreaking’ deal with GMB union allowing 70,000 drivers to become members

Uber said the deal will enable drivers to have a stronger voice within the company (Photo: Getty Images)Uber said the deal will enable drivers to have a stronger voice within the company (Photo: Getty Images)
Uber said the deal will enable drivers to have a stronger voice within the company (Photo: Getty Images)

Uber has struck a groundbreaking deal with GMB which will allow up to 70,000 drivers across the UK to join the trade union.

The deal is expected to help bring a “fairer working life” for millions of people and marks the first time a ride-hailing company in the UK has been formally recognised by a trade union.

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‘Fairer working life’

Under the collective bargaining agreement, the GMB will represent drivers across the UK, saying they will have the right to choose if, when and where they drive.

The agreement follows changes that were made earlier this year guaranteeing drivers at least the national living wage, holiday pay and a pension plan.

The GMB has said it will work with Uber on a number of issues, including pay, pensions, discretionary benefits and safety.

Trade union representatives will also have a presence in Uber’s driver support hubs to help boost membership, and GMB and Uber leaders have agreed to meet quarterly to discuss any driver issues and concerns.

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GMB national officer Mick Rix said: “This groundbreaking deal between GMB and Uber could be the first step to a fairer working life for millions of people.

“History has been made. This agreement shows gig economy companies don’t have to be a wild west on the untamed frontier of employment rights.

“When tech private hire companies and unions work together like this, everyone benefits, bringing dignified, secure employment back to the world of work.

“We now call on all other operators to follow suit.”

‘Drivers must come first’

Uber said the deal will enable drivers to have a stronger voice within the company and builds on positive changes already made earlier this year, guaranteeing worker’s benefits, including pensions and holiday pay.

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It follows the Supreme Court’s dismissal of Uber’s appeal against a landmark employment tribunal earlier this year, ruling that its drivers should be classed as workers with access to the minimum wage and paid holidays.

Andy McDonald, shadow employment rights and protections secretary, said: “This recognition deal is testament to the dedicated work of the GMB union in fighting for better terms and conditions for workers, and Uber has set an example that companies across the gig economy should follow.

“This deal is good news for Uber drivers and shows the importance of trade unions in improving living standards, but there are still millions of workers in the gig economy who are without basic rights and protections, with no voice in the workplace who must not be abandoned by the Government.

“Following the Supreme Court ruling, the Government must change the law to ensure that all gig economy workers receive full employment rights.”

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