Out-of-contract Anderson has 'no idea' how season postponement will impact him

Paul AndersonPaul Anderson
Paul Anderson
Cobblers midfielder in the dark after coronavirus forces suspension

Cobblers midfielder Paul Anderson admits he has 'no idea' what will happen if the season does not resume before his contract expires at the end of May.

The 31-year-old, who signed as a free agent last October and then extended his deal in January, is not alone in facing an uncertain few months with many of his team-mate also out of contract this summer.

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The EFL confirmed last week that the season will not restart before April 30 and with nine games still to play, plus the play-offs, there's every chance the Cobblers will be playing in June and July.

“My contract finishes in May which would be straight after the play-off final so if the season gets delayed I have no idea what happens or how it will affect me,” Anderson told the Melton Times.

“I literally have no idea as to what the situation is going to be over the next few months.

“In League One and League Two I would estimate 50 per cent of players will be out of contract because, generally, you will not get more than a two-year deal in the lower leagues.

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“So some players will be coming to the end of a two-year deal, and a lot only get a one-year deal which will end in June so I really don’t know what’s going to happen.

“The football clubs are still paying wages during the lockdown, so are they going to pay players to do nothing? It’s a difficult situation.”

Anderson also hopes the coronavirus does not rob him of the opportunity to walk out at Wembley for the first time.

The Cobblers are currently seventh and will be hoping to secure a play-off spot if and when the season resumes.

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Anderson added: “We are sat in the play-off positions and from a selfish point of view I’d like to finish the season because I’ve never played at Wembley and we have a great chance of getting there.

“I want to get cracking and want to do it with the fans watching rather than play behind closed doors. It is their sport.

“But if that’s not an option then for me I would like to get this season done, hopefully with promotion, and then start next season whenever it comes.”