Lovely Eggs bring punk, politics and partying to the Roadmender

The Lovely Eggs. Picture: David JacksonThe Lovely Eggs. Picture: David Jackson
The Lovely Eggs. Picture: David Jackson
David Jackson reviews The Lovely Eggs at the Roadmender, Northampton

Early into The Lovely Eggs’ set at the Roadmender, singer and guitarist Holly Ross acknowledged it was a Sunday night – initially seeming to imply fans would be on the ‘wind-down’ for an early night before work on Monday morning.

However, after swigging from a can Strongbow, Ross went onto proclaim everyone was an adult and old enough to join her in getting drunk, partying and coping with consequences the following day.

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The band’s headline gig at Northampton venue saw Lancashire’s finest tear trough a 16 songs set of punkish rock swaying in and out of indie and psychedelia along the way.

The Lovely Eggs. Picture: David JacksonThe Lovely Eggs. Picture: David Jackson
The Lovely Eggs. Picture: David Jackson

That said, the Lovely Eggs heavier and angrier than they ever have been.

Throughout the night there were passionate rants about the threat to The Lancaster Music Co-Op where they, and hundreds of others, have recorded and rehearsed and their part in a fight to save it from closure.

There was also a pause to talk about the perils of fracking which recently resumed in their home county.

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If all this sounds a bit serious for a Sunday night, it’s also worth pointing out The Lovely Eggs are also great fun.

The Lovely Eggs. Picture: David JacksonThe Lovely Eggs. Picture: David Jackson
The Lovely Eggs. Picture: David Jackson

The duo are out on their final tour to support their latest LP This Is Eggland, which was released earlier this year.

Joining them were Manchester post-punk noise merchants Ill – back at the Roadmender after supporting British Sea Power last year - and The Len Price Three who both put in stellar performances.

After kicking off with Witchcraft, highlights of The Lovely Eggs’ set included live favourites Magic Onion, F*** It and People Are T***s.

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These were nestled among a heavy dose of new material including past single Wiggy Giggy and Would You F***.

The Lovely Eggs. Picture: David JacksonThe Lovely Eggs. Picture: David Jackson
The Lovely Eggs. Picture: David Jackson

The Roadmender is a big ol’ stage for a duo, with Ross admitting they prefer to play without a barrier between them and the fans – and one would presume not elevated so high either.

That said, when not stuck to the microphone, Ross made use of the ample space around her, frequently disappearing behind her stark blonde hair with the occasional flailing limb being kicked into the air.

The Lovely Eggs were the best thing you could have done with your Sunday night.

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To be honest, they make a strong case for the best thing you could do with any night of the week.

No Fake Encores. Anyone interested in signing the petition to save Lancaster Music Co-Op should visit

* The Lovely Eggs played:


I’m With You


Magic Onion

I Shouldn’t Have Said That

Let Me Observe

Would You F***

Big Sea

Hell I Am Your Son

Wiggy Giggy

F*** It

I Like Birds

Goofin’ Around (In Lancashire)

People Are T***s


Return Of Witchcraft

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