Assault victim left with brain injuries... then dumped in shopping trolley near Northampton park

Ryan SmithRyan Smith
Ryan Smith
A man who left his victim with life-changing injuries after attacking him and then dumping his body in a park has today been found guilty at Northampton Crown Court.

Ryan Smith, aged 24, formerly of Dorset Road, Kingsthorpe, was arrested shortly after the horrific attack on Twaha Yahaya in the early hours of August 8 last year.

A jury at Northampton Crown Court had been told Smith had punched the 27-year-old causing him to fall down the stairs of the property, causing catastrophic injuries.

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He then lifted Mr Yahaya into a discarded shopping trolley and pushed his near lifeless body to Nursery Lane, next to Kingsthorpe Rec.

Ryan SmithRyan Smith
Ryan Smith

His victim was taken to University Hospital Coventry where he was treated for a fractured skull and a bleed to the brain.

The court was told he remained in a coma for several weeks and had suffered life-changing injuries as a result.

He has only recently been released from round-the-clock treatment at a brain rehabilitation unit and has been left with severe memory problems and little movement in his left arm.

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Smith was found not guilty of a section 18 malicious wounding offence, but guilty of a section 20 offence, causing grievous bodily harm.

Judge Michael Fowler will sentence Smith on February 18.

Speaking afterwards, senior investigating officer, DI James Larkin, of Northamptonshire Police, said: “We are delighted by today’s verdict, which follows a thorough, lengthy and complex investigation by this force.

“Twaha was left with life-changing injuries as a result of a motiveless attack carried out with extreme violence before being cynically dumped into a trolley and left in a nearby park.

“I hope Twaha and his family will take some comfort from today’s verdict and that he is able to continue the very long road to recovery, which he has begun in the months since the attack.”

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Speaking after the verdict Mr Yahaha’s mother, Zainab, said: “I would like to thank everyone for the help provided, including the police, hospital staff and work colleagues for all the support they have provided.

“I wouldn’t wish this to happen to anyone’s son, daughter or relative.”