House price boost from being home of Northampton Saints, new report reveals

Northampton SaintsNorthampton Saints
Northampton Saints
The fortunes of Northampton Saints are not always guaranteed...but one thing appears for certain in a new survey, house prices in the town are above average because of Franklin's Gardens.

A new report has ranked Aviva Premiership and Greene King IPA Championship English rugby clubs according to the strength of their stadium’s local housing markets.

Northampton is in seventh place.

The average house price growth for the period of 2011 and 2016 was 33 percent. The average increase in Northampton was 40 percent.

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Tob Ellice, easyProperty CEO, explained that half of all the English rugby towns boast above-average capital appreciation.

He said, “At some point during pre or post-match rugby banter, someone will bring up the inevitable topic of house prices so, naturally, we thought it would be best to assist lively debate about capital appreciation with our research.

“London always tops the capital values chart but if you’re looking at how fast house prices have grown in areas around each English rugby stadium then Reading, Bedford and Bristol are in the top five.

“In about half of the areas where you can find a rugby stadium in England there has been above average house price growth.”