Mayor's final fundraiser cooks-up a charity storm

Mayor Christopher Malpas (left) with his guide dog Verity with David Mackintosh MP and Naz Islam, of the Saffron restaurantMayor Christopher Malpas (left) with his guide dog Verity with David Mackintosh MP and Naz Islam, of the Saffron restaurant
Mayor Christopher Malpas (left) with his guide dog Verity with David Mackintosh MP and Naz Islam, of the Saffron restaurant
A Bollywood-themed dinner at a town centre curry house raised funds for Guide Dogs for the Blind at the final charity event for the outgoing Mayor of Northampton.

The event, held at Saffron in Castilian Street, Northampton, saw dozens of VIPs, David Mackintosh MP Northampton South and invited guests come together to enjoy dishes from award-winning curry chef Bodrul Islam.

A raffle and prize auction, including a bottle of champagne personally signed by Prime Minister Theresa May, helped raise £854 for Guide Dogs for the Blind, the chosen charity of Mayor of Northampton, Councillor Christopher Malpas.

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Saffron owner Naz Islam, who has helped raise more than £21,000 for local charities in the past two decades, said: “To raise so much money in one evening is incredible and we are absolutely thrilled we were able to help support such a fabulous cause.

“We had several guide dogs in the restaurant for the event and they are truly amazing animals.

“To be able to contribute towards the training of a dog which will a life-changing impact on its owner is a huge honour.”

The Mayor has already raised more than £20,000 during his 12-month tenure, enough to sponsor four Guide Dog puppies.

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The first one, Tilly, is already in training while a second puppy, Spencer, will start later in the year.

Cllr Malpas said: “The evening was a huge success and it was fabulous to raise so much money for a cause close to my heart.

“It’s hugely appreciated and will make a huge difference.”

Other raffle and auction prizes on the evening included items donated by Northampton Saints, Silverstone, the Cobblers, Rockingham International Speedway and Broughton Wines.