Letter: Don't ask us to pay more for policing

Stephen MoldStephen Mold
Stephen Mold
Letter wrietr David Isherwood says council tax payers should not be asked for more money to foot the police force bill...

I must congratulate the new chief constable for the future abolition of the silly baseball caps.

Our police force is hidebound in tradition – things always being done a certain way, as other forces.

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Some years ago a previous Conservative government commissioned a report into the police nationwide and made recommendations.

Lip service was given at that time, but things have slipped back into the way things were.

Obviously the police would never change themselves, so the position of police and crime commissioner was created for each force.

Not necessarily a brilliant idea, because unless one had the support of funds from a political party, then individuals who might apply were excluded, unless the odd millionaire fancied a chance.

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We have our Northamptonshire police and crime commissioner asking council tax payers for more funds for the police.

One of the most important factors in funding the police is how the money is spent.

Northamptonshire Police may not agree, but I would say the largest single white elephant of expenditure is the county’s share to use the force helicopter, which is shared with some other police forces.

If we no longer used it, a lot of money would be saved and the effect negligible.

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Other areas of expenditure within the police have been stated in the report referred to above. These things have been put to the police and crime commissioner both in writing and face to face at a public meeting.

What has happened?

As far as I am aware nothing. I am open to being proved wrong, but does it seem that our police and crime commissioner is actually as much in charge of the police as the man in the moon.

The police force is somewhat based on levels of supervision similar to the military, but with different names.

With reduced manpower there are several unnecessary levels of supervision and to use a well-known expression – too many chiefs and not enough indians.

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This also may apply to the office of the police and crime commissioner, where doubtless savings could be made.

As opposed to asking council tax payers for more money, a demonstration that your own houses are in order would be welcome.

David Isherwood, by email